A Dark Tale

Tales from the Dark

I was spawned into the universe in the year 1978. As I awkwardly grew inside my meaty vessel my first true interest was death and the way other humans would describe it. I found these stories fanciful and absurd due to the fact that none of the theories could be proven and only a few had experienced the other side. Of those that had there was either a black nothing or a white light. I realized that death in the world of the living was just a book of wishful tales introduced to help us cope with this tiny flit of existence.

My fascination led me to the horror genre in my adolescence and has remained my favorite subject even after the larval stages. Even after I broke out of the cocoon and became a beautiful butterfly my tastes remained morbid. I was inspired by so many darklings such as Clive Barker, H.P.Lovecraft, Necrostorm, Herschel Gordon Lewis, Kane Hodder and Chaos Comics just to name a few. My other deep love was drawing, I figured this was for me as a piece of paper and a pencil is cheap and though I dabbled in writing short stories for a time, I found art to be more rewarding as my imagination was right there on the page not interpreted in the readers mind.

Ever since I watched my father sketch Luke Skywalker in a few seconds I was hooked on art. I drew for many years into my teens before I felt I was good enough to impress myself. Computers became necessary around this time so I started to do digital art, programming games and made websites but as I was doing so my computer was glitching up and acting stupid so I put my projects on hold and then investigated the inner workings of computing for the next few years. I became skilled in technology and secured an IT job for the next ten years and began making applications. By now I'd grown tired of solving issues with machines so back to my true love.

I expanded my mediums inducting digital art, charcoal and the various forms of paintings. Now this website has been built so I can spit my work out to you all. To my brethren enjoy and to those I may offend, please just click on the mouse and navigate to your happy links.

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